I Did THIS To My Tiny House… Tiny House Improvements, Progress and a Bunny Update!

See what’s going on around here… tiny home improvements, tiny home progress and even rabbit cage improvements! Thank you for sticking around even though we haven’t been posting much! We’re working hard to get new routines formed so we can become more organized and post more consistently. The struggle is real but we will get there!

Update! We Are Coming Back!

I know it’s been a while and I know that every time we’ve posted an update, we’ve done it with the intention to start vlogging regularly again… but it never happened. It was tough! The work schedule was consuming and there just wasn’t enough time to make that happen. Now, I’m happy to announce that I’ve found a job that allows for more time to do more of what I want to do! This means more gardening, more home cooked meals, more time with the family…I’ll be able to gather eggs and feed chickens… and make more progress on our tiny houses….. and best of all…. I’ll have time to VLOG!!!